

The latest at Friendship Baptist Church

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by: Don Carmichael



What was it you had to practice when you were little?  Was it blowing bubbles with bubble gum?  Whistling?  Reaching for the next bar of the jungle gym?  Writing your letters and learning your multiplication tables?  Whatever it was, you were practicing to be different, a skillset or a way of thinking.  It took practice to make these changes.  In fact, it takes perfect practice to make perfect.  Some later even make their life work, called, a practice, be it law or medical...
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by: Don Carmichael



Some products are marketed in the form of concentrate.  Others provide their product all ready for use, complete with, water added. Am I so lazy as to have a commercial outfit add the water for me? You really want me to answer that? Ok. Admittedly, sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t.But there is another type (interesting word for another time) of concentrate. Am I focused on where I should be focused, with all of my energies, like several super-heroes battling with their...
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by: Pastor Sang Choi



John the Baptizer said of Jesus, "He must increase, but I must decrease."  John 3:30.  His time had come, as the predecessor and announcer of Jesus coming into the world as the Messiah. In our coming and going, it is not all about us, our agendas, projects, and successes. It, is about God and His kingdom; Himself as Father, Son, and Spirit. John got the message. Our work is for Him, as it is the Lord Christ whom we serve. Colossians 3:24.  

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Medical Supplies for Global Mission Association (GMA)

by: Norma Shull



Thanks to the Friendship Baptist Church Ladies Team for all of the medical items (and baptistry pool!), in support of GMA, Pastor Sang and Namhee, on their way back to Kenya  đź™Ź

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From Trials to Trust

by: Don Carmichael



In the midst of uncertainty, the state of being uncertain about situations and decisions, what do you do; how do you handle these life maneuvers?God guides us with His own thoughts recorded for our own good, saying, “Regard it all as joy!”  This does not mean that we are to be all happy, happy in the midst of confusion and questioning, times of trouble and testing, temptation and trials.  Rather, He is telling us the state of mind we are to have, trusting and resting, assu...
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Can't Can

by: Don Carmichael



How can one forget the story that contained the villain wolf that huffed and puffed, trying to blown down the house of bricks?  Neither could you forget Wile E. Coyote for his persistence and determination to nab his prey.  The latter seemed to have had an attitude of can’t can; contrary to our sometimes mental reservations of can’t just cannot. Yes, somethings are just impossible for us.  Perhaps it’s technology or time, even the absence of other components, but Jesus war...
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Vacation Bible School!

by: Susan Edds



Friendship Baptist Church held its second Vacation Bible School this summer.  The children had a wonderful time as they sang songs, played games, made crafts and heard Bible stories that taught them about our Savior.  It was exciting to see them learn the importance of being transformed into what God wants them to be as they internalized God’s Word into their hearts.  There was also a Bible class for the adults! Glory!  The memory verse was 'Do not be conformed to this age

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GMA Update!

by: Pastor Sang Choi



Thank you again for your prayers to Him.  Namhee and I are thankful for God's amazing guidance.  God's grace and love poured out in a different place every week in Canada.  All I could do was give thanks.  The first In-person worship service was held at Carol's house, and the next one was held at Deacon Song's home.  Yesterday was Picnic Sunday with invited people at Shirleys Bay Park Ottawa, Canada.  Every moment was touched by the hand of the Lord.  There were times when...
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God Speaks

by: Donna Bynum



We never have to wonder if God speaks to us today, with His Spirit gifted (as promised) and indwelling those that have professed Jesus as their Lord and Savior. As the prophet said, "I will stand on the wall and look to see what He is saying (Habakkuk 2:1).  Look up -- He is still speaking His love and presence through His creation, even has He has done here, addressing this believer's concerns!

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Life Fist Baby Shower

by: Norma Shull



Friendship Baptist Ladies Team hosted a Baby Shower for Life First Ministry. The generosity of the ladies was overflowing.  Thank you Brittany's  for hosting us!...
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by: Don Carmichael



One might disagree, but rest is a vital component of life, and for all aspects of living; no different from the other balance-basics of food and exercise or movement.  Sleep is likewise part of this balance, but only a component of rest.Saying through His king, David, God calls us out, “Today, if you hear God’s voice, don’t harden your hearts;” meaning, listen and rest, trusting in Him; trusting instead of ignoring and warring with Him. Is this not our approach when we are...
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Rooted Network: 4 Cultural Characteristics that Make Discipleship an Uphill Battle

by: Michael Kelly (ExDir)



There are certain characteristics of our culture that make the Christian walk seem like it’s going uphill. These are attributes that are so infectiously true of the environment we live in that they inevitably work their way into our own lives just because we are humans at this given place and at this given time. Unfortunately, though, these cultural characteristics are also obstacles to discipleship, this walk in the same direction with Jesus. It’s important, then, for us

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Small Group Notes for Wednesday 1 May

by: Richard Edds



Attached here

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by: Don Carmichael



We think often about the subject of focus, but what about the object of that on which we are focusing?  We think about our projects, even children, but to what end? In the business world, the object is most always monetary.  In the military, whatever the project, it’s about the mission end state.”So if you were raised along with the Messiah, then seek the things above, where the Messiah is sitting at the right hand of God.  Focus your minds on the things above, not on thin...
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by: Don Carmichael



Then belongs to a segment of time; a time that follows after its preceding segment.  Consider this event.  ”Adonai (God) prepared a huge fish to swallow Jonah; and Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights.”  This segment of the event is the “then” of the linking former event, where Jonah was thrown into the Mediterranean Sea. Easy so far, yes?Then “Jonah thought, ‘I have been banished from Your sight.’  But I will again look at Your holy temple.  ...
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