


by: Don Carmichael



Some products are marketed in the form of concentrate.  Others provide their product all ready for use, complete with, water added. Am I so lazy as to have a commercial outfit add the water for me? You really want me to answer that? Ok. Admittedly, sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t.
But there is another type (interesting word for another time) of concentrate. Am I focused on where I should be focused, with all of my energies, like several super-heroes battling with their beams against the concentrated beam of an enemy.  God tells us through His emissary, “We concentrate not on what is seen but on what is not seen, since things seen are temporary, but things not seen are eternal.”  What a focus!  What a different view!  Do we not truly focus mainly on what we see? 
His same ambassador says to another (including us), “So if you were raised along with the Messiah, then seek the things above, where the Messiah is sitting at the right hand of God.  Focus (concentrate) your minds on the things above, not on things here on earth.”
Father, one cannot imagine Your own focus and concentrated energies until we see both Your seen creation and that which is unseen, being Your lovingkindnesses; in that You would rescue us from judgement through a judgement on Your Son, Jesus.  Unimaginable love.  Grant us a concentration of our eyes to seen the unseen, “looking away to the Initiator and Completer of that trusting, Jesus.“
Concentrate, “Not on that which makes us anxious,” but even as He said, “Seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness.”
2 Corinthians ‭4‬:‭18, ‭‭Colossians ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭2‬,‬‬ ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭2, ‬‬Matthew 6‬:‭33‬ ‭CJB‬‬
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Some products are marketed in the form of concentrate.  Others provide their product all ready for use, complete with, water added. Am I so lazy as to have a commercial outfit add the water for me? You really want me to answer that? Ok. Admittedly, sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t.
But there is another type (interesting word for another time) of concentrate. Am I focused on where I should be focused, with all of my energies, like several super-heroes battling with their beams against the concentrated beam of an enemy.  God tells us through His emissary, “We concentrate not on what is seen but on what is not seen, since things seen are temporary, but things not seen are eternal.”  What a focus!  What a different view!  Do we not truly focus mainly on what we see? 
His same ambassador says to another (including us), “So if you were raised along with the Messiah, then seek the things above, where the Messiah is sitting at the right hand of God.  Focus (concentrate) your minds on the things above, not on things here on earth.”
Father, one cannot imagine Your own focus and concentrated energies until we see both Your seen creation and that which is unseen, being Your lovingkindnesses; in that You would rescue us from judgement through a judgement on Your Son, Jesus.  Unimaginable love.  Grant us a concentration of our eyes to seen the unseen, “looking away to the Initiator and Completer of that trusting, Jesus.“
Concentrate, “Not on that which makes us anxious,” but even as He said, “Seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness.”
2 Corinthians ‭4‬:‭18, ‭‭Colossians ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭2‬,‬‬ ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭2, ‬‬Matthew 6‬:‭33‬ ‭CJB‬‬
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