From Trials to Trust



by: Don Carmichael



In the midst of uncertainty, the state of being uncertain about situations and decisions, what do you do; how do you handle these life maneuvers?
God guides us with His own thoughts recorded for our own good, saying, “Regard it all as joy!”  This does not mean that we are to be all happy, happy in the midst of confusion and questioning, times of trouble and testing, temptation and trials.  Rather, He is telling us the state of mind we are to have, trusting and resting, assured of His presence and confident in His power and authority above our selves and situations.  Yes?  As we recall, “the joy of the LORD is our strength.”
 “Regard it all as joy, my brothers and sisters, when you face various kinds of temptations, trials; for you know that the testing of your trust produces perseverance.”  Testing our trust of Him, like stretching and strengthening our muscles, results in greater endurance, and thereby more certainly, “the joy of the LORD is our strength.”
Father, thank You for the certainty of Your love, to the Cross and back, securing those that trust You, love You, obey You. Draw us closer, even, yes, through the trials.
“But let perseverance do its complete work; so that you may be complete and whole, lacking in nothing.”  Go ahead, forward; for blessings come through the battles of testing and trials of temptations unto the trust, of peace, with God Himself.
James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭4, Nehemiah 8:10b CJB‬‬
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In the midst of uncertainty, the state of being uncertain about situations and decisions, what do you do; how do you handle these life maneuvers?
God guides us with His own thoughts recorded for our own good, saying, “Regard it all as joy!”  This does not mean that we are to be all happy, happy in the midst of confusion and questioning, times of trouble and testing, temptation and trials.  Rather, He is telling us the state of mind we are to have, trusting and resting, assured of His presence and confident in His power and authority above our selves and situations.  Yes?  As we recall, “the joy of the LORD is our strength.”
 “Regard it all as joy, my brothers and sisters, when you face various kinds of temptations, trials; for you know that the testing of your trust produces perseverance.”  Testing our trust of Him, like stretching and strengthening our muscles, results in greater endurance, and thereby more certainly, “the joy of the LORD is our strength.”
Father, thank You for the certainty of Your love, to the Cross and back, securing those that trust You, love You, obey You. Draw us closer, even, yes, through the trials.
“But let perseverance do its complete work; so that you may be complete and whole, lacking in nothing.”  Go ahead, forward; for blessings come through the battles of testing and trials of temptations unto the trust, of peace, with God Himself.
James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭4, Nehemiah 8:10b CJB‬‬
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